yes, thats right, the wrap is done. ta da:
i hoped to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the entire project but the batteries in the camera died right after i took this picture, so i will save the detail for another day.
suffice to say it was difficult and has not finished perfectly but it looks good on. i was even complimented on it yesterday when i wore it out in public, it being blissfully cold here at the moment. not canberra cold, but its all relative. i am hoping to wear it out again on friday night so i will get someone to take a pic of me in it.
i have today and tomorrow to finish off the manuscript for the book and it will be done on time, even though this is already an extended deadline. who knew that something so seemingly easy as editing a collection of other people's work would be so damn difficult! my own chapter needs some tweaking and the intro needs to be finished but other than that we're almost there.
i cant believe how much of my time and headspace it has consumed. i said to trent the other night, i was thinking that it would be good to finish i could have a bit of a break, only i realised i couldnt because i had to go back to work on my thesis, which i now have only a few months to complete, so i'll be pretty much working like this the rest of the year. aaagh!
so now i turn again to sock knitting, and my other new obsession which is flyball. i have been a tag along for a few years but now i have my own dog to race (even though trent trained her - all hail trent the wonder-trainer), the whole flyball thing has taken on a new dimension. because i was racing i didnt get any pics of her but some other people did. here is a link to one, there are some other good ones at this site.
thank god for flyball and knitting otherwise id be seriously stressed out. or crazy.
k xx
ps Lola the baby-jacket recipient arrived safe and sound on the 8th of august. shes soooo cute. she does not yet, however, have a pair of pants to match the jacket. sorry lola, im working on it.....
Yay! Well done, excellent work. It looks fabulous, cant wait to see it on. congratualtions on finishing such a substantial item.
great new about Lola, congrats to the parents.
Now back to work you!
The wrap looks gorgeous. I always find it's the simplest designs that get the most wear. I reckon this one is going on high rotation for you :)
HURRAH - congratulations on a wonderful job - I'm sure you're going to get heaps of wear AND compliments from that top!
That looks so good Kylie. I'm so glad you've finished it while it's still cold enough to wear it.
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