Tuesday, July 29, 2008

treading water

or flailing about...pick your image.

i dont feel right not blogging more often, but i dont feel right blogging sans pictures, and i havent had time to take any pictures. i want to show the groovy new heel i tried on the knittery socks, and i wanted to talk about how socks have ruined me as a knitter. i am now, it seems, incapable of doing anything more substantial. lily, clapotis, and the red shetland wilt away in their respective baskets while i am consumed with the construction of one sock after another, to the point where i am itching to start on a THIRD pair so i can try this idea i have for my own design.

this is really the equivalent of imbibing only mills and boons and calling yourself a reader, and i am ashamed of myself.

i am also rather put out by the whole two-jobs thing which means i am basically working full time and i do not like it, no i dont, not one little bit.

will try and manage pics tomorrow

k xx


Rose Red said...

Nah, I think socks are more substantial than Mills & Boon!! Perhaps like Jackie Collins...a relatively large project but feels a bit naughty reading (knitting!) it!

TinkingBell said...

Love socks - but currently consumed by knitting warm things for me! - But socks - I collect the patterns and yarn and drool over them - had a moment of mad panic when I realised I didn't have any easy knit socks - but it's OK now - I got 2 pairs ready to go!

2paw said...

Waving not drowning then?? Good luck with the socks!!!

Bells said...

Kylie, you are not a mills and boon knitter/reader!

Hang in there.

Fernicle said...

yeah working full time sucks the big one! Luckily I have just returned from a week doing a Norwegian roadtrip with J - surfing and snowboarding in one week - awesome scenery...that is my kind of working...reading the odd paper, checking emails and doing no more than a couple of hours a day! Hehehehe Back to it now though, and double speed to make up for the time off. Yikes!