meanwhile the search for a room of my own continues, and i am about to get thwarted. i have annoyed the powers that be by questioning their actions and making noises of dissatisfaction, and i actually had to prove that i was still working for people so as to avoid getting thrown out of the building entirely. nice. on monday i move yet again to a shared space for research assistants on the ground floor. my view is of the carpark. no more lofty treetops and duck ponds for me. thats what you get.
the thing is i actually have heaps of work, i am working on course guides and on proof reading other peoples books and this week i met with a dean of another faculty who had heard about me and he has heaps of work as well for at least the next six months, plus i have already been approached for teaching for next session. i am going to take as much of the research work and as little of the teaching as i can get away with. so it basically means i will have full time work for the rest of the year. (apparently this means i need to get a cleaner. ok, so i am not the best housekeeper.) i am happy about this turn of events, it takes the money worry off, means i dont have to go visit centrelink, and gives me space to work on job and research funding applications for the new year. i may even get a paper or two written.
in more important news, i got a little parcel in the mail yesterday!
i also finally managed to figure out how to cast on clapotis:
i took a hint from bells and rosered about no stitch markers and purling the stitches that are going to be dropped instead. this is great, i hate using stitch markers, and i am managing to get this right i think. i ripped it back twice though, i wasnt happy with the larger needle size (6mm) and have gone back to 5mm, despite what the label says i dont think this is 8 ply. its making a lovely light silky feeling fabric that will be perfect for spring. i have put it aside for the moment because i really want to finish the second shetland:
i am feeling a bit flustered knitting wise as now that i have cast on clappy i have four things on the needles and i am used to just having three - simple socks, fancy sock and the shawl (or something like it). three i can manage. four starts to feel like i have a problem :)
we are off to sydney again this weekend, it is trents birthday on sunday and we are going to see a rugby league game. go the bunnies. i am making cheesecake. george recommends this recipe. i am tempted to try this one.
but first, i must go clean the house myself. one last time. no, i am not sad about that.
k xx
Sounds like you are getting your shit together, young lady. And any excuse for a cleaning lady has to be good!
Your parcel is sitting on my desk and I will be posting it off at lunchtime. Sorry for the delay - I actually lost all my original brooches!
Have a great weekend. Happy birthday Trent!
You know how when we were at the markets you said you seem to always go back to the same colours? This post is absolute evidence of that statement!
Clappy is looking GREAT!!!
And yay for pods!
We're as bad as each other with the squeaking hello thing!
I'm glad you have lots of work lined up, really hope you get that room of your own though, or at least a suitable workspace where you can settle.
Hope the pods didn't get mishapen in the post - I am still figuring out my packing techniques! If you ever need to reshape them you can dampen them a bit then stuff with plastic shopping bags while they dry. (hmm maybe I should put that info on my blog.)
Gah, I really must get a cleaner!! Especially as I was cleaning the bathroom at 11.15pm last night...(my mum's coming to stay today...)
You are right, students can smell fear. This year teaching PhD students I think I discovered that they have particularly developed snouts! Must be all those years of undergraduate development...My fear is also that no matter how calm and collected I try to be, my true reaction will always show on my face anyway...
Go the bunnies!
So you are Pod people!!! I did the purling for the Clapotis scarf (I cheated and did a scarf!!) It was so much easier. I just knit my stitch markers into the knitting fabric, as embellishments!!!
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