so, starting from the driveway:
then to the end of the driveway, looking south:
and then across the road where there is a lot of sand that shouldnt be there because of The Storms:
the view to the south over towradgi beach (pronounced toe-rodgi):
and then a close up of wollongong city to the south:
and mt keira:
turning around to go home we see some ridiculous mcmansions which have done nothing but destroy the original character of this area:
we complained about it one time to the wife of the person living in the red and blue house and she said 'well thats progress' but i dont think so. our house is behind the little blue house, oh here it is complete with silly dogs standing in the rain wondering why they didnt get to come across the road with me:
here are said silly dogs, not happy with me for keeping them outside:
here is another view of inside, you can see the bedroom to one side and then down the back of the house through the dining room is the study/spare room.
we are mostly unpacked but there are some boxes of stuff in the spare room etc that we dont have enough cupboards for yet.
and that is not the pile of marking im avoiding on that coffee table :)
k xx
You're always welcome to come along to Wollongong SnB and say hello some time :)
Bah, I hit enter too soon to let you know who I am!
cool! thanks donna, as soon as i get a chance i'll be there :)
oh lovely Kylie. Look at that weather!
Agree with you on the McMansions.
And that's a lovely living room! Love the flooring!
Your home looks so cosy - and what a view (faints)! I'm not surprised you wanted to go back!
Isn't this rain lovely (and novel). Now, you'd better not get back to the nonexistent pile of imaginary papers you're not supposed to be marking ;)
This is fantastic Kylie!! The photos of your home are lovely - what a wonderful little cosy (koselig!) hideaway. And the gong jealous and homesick seeing those photos. It is such a lovely part of the world!! Might get a chance to bring some Norwegians over to check it all out in Feb next year - nano conference in Melbs. Will keep you informed!
Look forward to seeing you at Wollongong SnB soon! Cheers Sharon
Looks like you've settled (back!) in nicely, very cosy. Thanks for showing us around.
I agree about the mcmansions - to me progress is improving ont he world and I can't see any way they do that! I'd say "that's selfish human capitalist nature"!
thanks for the nice comments guys! will blog more when the rain stops, hope you are getting some inland. welcome home george. k xx
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