hmmm. so now i have sock startitis. i suspect i am not the first. i really dont like the feel of having only one thing happening, so i bought another set of DPNs and have started these ones for trent...my rationale, other than 'because i can' is that spring doth too fast approach and i want him to experience the joy of wearing wool socks before its too warm.
these are heirloom jigsaw, no cute name for the colourway unless 'someone' wants to think of one? i started them last thursday to show the girls on friday down in wollongong, esp miss dr fern whom we bought that lovely sirdar town and country sock wool for her graduation, but i was very unhappy with my cast on over the three needles, so in the process of showing fern i decided that casting all stitches on to one needle and then dividing them worked better and gave much better corners. this is nice stretchy yarn too so its holding together well. even the single rib wasnt too painful.(speaking of the lovely dr fern, she has decided that this blog thing is cool and has started her own before she heads off overseas next year...cool, a sock and a blog convert!).
i didnt get to do any of it on the weekend, sock knitting and herding not quite compatible, but i should get a lot done this coming weekend when we head down to kioloa for the annual 'surf and turf' flyball comp.
speaking of herding, possum and i were suddenly graduated out to the paddock. i have never worked with her outside the ring, and now it was our job to bring the sheep up from their holding pen to the ring where everyone was working. robert took the reins on sat and i tried very hard to watch everything he was doing but those guys they just work off instinct and years of practice, so when it was my turn on sunday, possum took off after the sheep across the paddock a few times! i finally got her to slow down and we worked them up the fence together and into a stop, so it ended on a good note tho i still have a lot to learn. it was fun though! forgot to take the camera so have to wait till i see the rest of the gang on the weekend to get pix from them.
back to the bluestripes.
k :)