i was first inspired to make the Shetland Triangle because of
brooklyntweeds creation. i am not a big fan of angular lace patterns, preferring things to be circular and flowing, so this one really stood out. my first attempt was with lace weight and it was lovely but too slight for my tastes. the second attempt was more like mr brooklyn's, in an 8 ply on big needles and a lot larger than the pattern, 13 body repeats but only about 10 rows of the finishing edge because it came off the needles with very little to spare - this is all the wool i had left:

the yarn is a nundle classic 8ply merino. i used 6 x 50g balls. i also used the yarn harlots blocking method, thank you yarn harlot, although the mattress nearly wasnt big enough (we havent made this bed in the spare room yet):

i didnt bother with the points as i like my shawls to have rounded edges and it spent a long time, over 24 hours, on the rack, because i never was happy with how my first attempt blocked and this one was going to be flat if it killed me. and flat it is:

it has come up lovely, and is modelled here by 'some anonymous guy i pulled off the street' (joke):

it is long and wide and the pattern and colour are lovely. this has taken me a long time to get around to finishing, but it is worth the wait.
this weeks project is to finish clappy which has also been languishing in the WIP basket while various socks and cardigans came and went.
k xx
Kylie it's gorgeous. I love it in a heavier weight. I must do one some time. You were inspired by BT. I was inspired by you.
Love it.
I'm with Bells - just fantastic. And gee it suits Trent too (heh!). This is such a fabulous pattern and it looks just gorgeous in the red yarn. Yay you!
Oh, it looks just like a big blanket. I want one.
ps the word verification is "amykk"
almost me but not quite :)
Oh. Oh. That's GORGEOUS. I think it would suit you better than Trent though (you've got the colouring for it)
Oh you people, I have no idea why you think I would get dressed up in a shawly knitty thingy! Kylie clearly writes that she used "some anonymous guy i pulled off the street", to act as her model.
BTW other people besides Kylie have the colour for wearing these sort of shawly knitty thingy. I am a true winter (so there)!
Wow, Stunning, I want one!
You are one clever chicken xxx
I think i will have to kill you just so i can have it. LOVE the colour. Was it hard? I think I might have a go at Lily.... yikes I'm frightened just thinking about it!
that is gorgeous - it is the most interesting pattern and looks stunning.
I love the look of the lace, it's beautifu. Wonderfully modelled too!!!
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