note green and red austrian airlines blanket.
because jem cant do any vigorous exercise for a while we are planning on putting possum into the flyball team for racing on australia day in sydney. we did some training with her over christmas and she surprised us with her ability to focus in the face of other dogs. the test will be how she copes with other dogs running alongside her which we are planning to train this weekend in sydney. and just because i can heres a picture of her this morning.
repeat after me "she's so pretty". on sunday i took her for a walk around lake ginninderra and i met this guy with a massive big great dane puppy (10 months old and its as tall as me) and she got along really well with it after an initial freak out, and he told me about a group of people who meet every afternoon with their dogs at page oval, so i took there yesterday and she had a great time. and someone, completely unprompted by me, said 'shes very pretty isnt she'. i burst out laughing and said 'well yes we think so and sometimes thats the best thing you can say about her'! she was, however, the fastest ball chasing dog there. (yes yes i know im not supposed to let her chase balls - interferes with flyball training etc etc).
meanwhile i am about to go back to the pool for the first time since before xmas, should be interesting. i did manage to only put on one kilo of christmas cheer and it is coming back off slowly, begrudgingly! but it was worth it. hmmm maggie beer pate...
um anyway, i have also been back at chapter writing work yesterday and have rewritten sections of the chapter i was meant to have done by xmas, i had a brainwave about it while away so it affects the chapters on either side as well. making a bit more work for myself but the fact that im thinking about it and thinking of ways to improve it is a good sign at least.
thats it from me for today.
have a good one
k xx
ps the neighbour from hell has been quiet since we got home, there was a big incident the night we got home and the police came and since then two of her kids havent been there and she has been quiet as a mouse, i think there is some major custody drama going on, so she is on her best behaviour. and the landlord has agreed to just fix the fence and wear the cost so that should help a lot too. fingers crossed it stays that way :)
how did you get this austrian-airlines-blanket?
um probably from off an austrian airlines plane. dont tell me anonymous you're a spy for the recovery-of-lost-airline-blanket office?
I like the sound of that doggy 'playgroup' at the oval :)
And I'm very glad to hear the insane neighbour is behaving herself for the moment... hope things keep improving.
Enjoy your swim (so many health benefits and it's another good way to procrastinate - what could be better?).
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