anyway, i thought you might like to see some more from the birthday that keeps on giving. i went into the city this morning and embarked upon a fruitless search for a new wallet but i am fussy and i. dont. like. anything.
then it was borders, where the fact that there was nothing decent on the craft shelves indicated rosered had already been there. (i half expected to see her name scratched in the wood!). i was very interested to see the new kate grenville novel for sale at only $32 as compared to the $45 i have seen it marked for elsewhere. this annoys me about borders. i dont want to support them but i will, at that price.
then i wandered down to a certain yarn store where i had vouchers to the value of $150 to spend. these vouchers were a combined gift from my lovely flyball friends who are now used to the sight of me knitting in between races. in fact, some of them do it too. its like a mobile stitch n bitch when we do dog things together, very nice!
i was surrounded by a pile of jo sharp packets when in walked the aforementioned rosered, looking radiant today! (no, not a coincidence. we may have planned this little rendevous). anyway, i was looking for the colour that trent wants his cobblestone pullover in, it was the lovely dark browny-grey of Smoke, but there were only two balls of it left, and only two balls of the closest like-colour, Beetle, so we decided on Heath. he already has a brown jumper and didnt want black, and the other greys were too school uniformy, so i think this is a nice compromise:
i did have in mind to get some cotton to make another lily, with aspirations to wear in summer (*snort*), but on consultation, i think it is too heavy and the colours were a bit dodgy. it didnt take much arm twisting to settle on this instead:
ms red and i then repaired to somewhere fancy for lunch (apparently it was ok because i just turned 40 and ive never been there so....). it was lovely, i am so going back there for the little cakey afternoon tea thing. anyone?
a quick trip to kinokunya book store yielded nothing, although i did fondle BGK2 and the vogue sock book. this was followed by coffee and a discussion about cambria, which RR definitely thinks need frogging. she's right. it is not doing what its supposed to. it will annoy me if i leave it. ribbit she said. rippit i will. then i caught the bus home (how novel - full of school kids. like, ohmygod) and then walked in the rain the half kilometre or so to my front door.
the reason i give you all this detail is not just to annoy you with pointless information, or to make you jealous (well ok maybe just a little), but because something happened on monday night (my birthday night, no less) that makes all this trekking around town admirable, on my behalf. i dropped a brick on my foot. yes thats right, a brick. i didnt know it was loose in the wall, and my washing basket dislodged it, and it fell smack onto the top of my foot. of course i am going to post a picture, so look away now if you are squeamish.
k xx
oooh painpainpainpainpain
Shopping for wool and glorious food is definitely the best medicine.
I say, that Tea Room looks a bit swish. I see they have a gluten free option. Maybe I can shout D1 an outing there for her 30th. No selfish intent of course.
you so took the right person with you for that little shopping trip. What a lovely outing and yes, Zara is special. Very very special. All great stuff!
But that bruise! Ouchey!!!
I think RR is right about Cambria. What will you do instead?
The yarn looks lovely and oh so nice that you didn't need to fork out for it yourself, what a lovely birthday present. Glad to hear the toe isn't broken, mine was when it looked like that, it took a good 3 months to heal properly and I'm still paranoid about knocking it again. I hope a;; your knitting goes well with all that yarn, it's nice to have yarn with a purpose!
What a fantastic present!! It is all the sweeter because it IS a present I think!! Happy Knitting.
Your poor foot. I am in total sympathy. Elevate your foot and take lots of painkillers!!!
awww, you are too sweet!
but look at your poor foot - OUCH!! Hope yarny goodness takes the pain away (have you cast on yet??!!)
Well, I'm jealous!! And I'd totally go for that afternoon cakey tea thing, but the commute, geez. :)
Ouch - you poor thing!
Hope it's much better soon. So envious of the little trip out with miss RR!
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